
Probabilistic Numerics Workshop (ProbNum24), London, United Kingdom
Talk: Robust Parameter Inference in ODEs via Physics-Enhanced Gaussian Process Regression
JuliaCon 2024, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Talk: Fast Probabilistic Inference for ODEs with ProbNumDiffEq.jl
youtube slides
Probabilistic Numerics Spring School, Southampton, United Kingdom
Practical Session: Probabilistic Numerics for ODEs
International Conference on Scientific Computing and Machine Learning, Kyoto, Japan
Invited talk: Probabilistic Numerical Solvers for Ordinary Differential Equations
SIAM UQ, Trieste, Italy
Minisymposium on "GPs and Kernel Methods for Scientific Machine Learning"
Talk: Probabilistic Numerics for Ordinary Differential Equations
University of Edinburgh, online
Talk at the PhD student seminar of the statistics department
Talk: Probabilistic Numerics for Ordinary Differential Equations
Probabilistic Numerics Spring School, Tübingen, Germany
Practical Session: Probabilistic Numerics for ODEs
github tutorial solution
University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Lecture: Probabilistic Numerical ODE Solvers
as part of the course "Numerics of Machine Learning"
youtube slides notebook.jl
University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Lecture: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations
as part of the course "Numerics of Machine Learning"
youtube slides
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Invited guest lecture: Probabilistic Numerics for Ordinary Differential Equations
as part of the course "A computational introduction to stochastic differential equations"
slides demo.jl
Dagstuhl: "Probabilistic Numerical Methods – From Theory to Implementation",
Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany
Talk: ProbNumDiffEq.jl: Fast and Practical ODE Filters in Julia
JuliaCon 2021, online
Poster presentation: Probabilistic Numerics for Differential Equations
youtube poster